egeokal [at] gmail [dot] com

Ege Okal (b. 1990) is a Turkish artist based in New York. Her work assesses, reimagines, and reconfigures the material and experiential qualities of violence, space, gender, language, diplomacy, and memory through film, animation, installation, and sculpture.

In her moving image work, she creates places in a purgatory ensconced within recognizable areas of cultural significance and spectacle. Institutional forces exist in differing degrees in these areas: banalities mix with urgency. She experiments with the ethnographic gaze of the camera; examines stratified and splintered psychological behaviors of carefully observed real scenarios and amplifies these appearances by emphasizing the emotions without a cathartic break. In her installations, she uses a diverse range of materials- from colonial trade products like coffee, corn or silk, to migrant food packaging (that are imported and mistranslated) and found objects, to more traditional sculptural materials. She is exploring potential ways of revealing and conjuring multiple meanings in a single work and investigating different degrees of precarity and the tension between fear and humor. The methodology is in the act of hand-working the artistic process. Both her artistic and curatorial practices involve collaborative thinking, participation, storytelling, and care.

She received her MFA in 2020 from Cornell University and BA from Sabanci University; has taught at Istanbul Bilgi University (TR) , Izmir University of Economics (TR), Sarah Lawrence College (USA). She is the Co-Founder and Director of Elma artist-run space in Brooklyn, NY.


2022    After this town, after this hill, after this tree, Mélange, Cologne, Germany

2022    Tourist, Elma, Brooklyn, NY

2020    ICFF Javitz Center, New York, NY

2019    Tourist, Experimental Gallery, Ithaca, NY


2020    Midnight Crisis, Experimental Gallery, Ithaca, NY

2019    Home, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY


2022    Fighting Solves Everything, Church Street Boxing Gym, New York, NY
             Occupy Art Project, Consulate General of France, New York, NY

2020    How to Build an Ocean, Jack Hanley Gallery, New York, NY

             Screening of the short film Merkür (2015) :

             Home Alone, Pera Museum, Istanbul, TR

2019    Pure Wobble, Experimental Gallery, Ithaca, NY

            Scorched Earth, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

            Or High Water, Safe Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

            Book/Mark, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

            Freshmen, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

2018    Pinch Point, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

            Screening of the short documentary Nydia (2018) :

            The Kiplinger Theatre, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

2017    Screening of the short film Merkür (2015) :

            Work Affairs, Tricky Women Festival, Vienna, Austria

            The National Arts Festival, Grahamstown, South Africa

            Libby Sacer Foundation, Athens, Greece

2016    Screening of the short film Merkür (2015) :

            Festival on Wheels, Turkish Booth, Berlin, Germany

            Official Selection, !f Istanbul Independent Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

            Official Selection, Akbank International Short Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

            Official Selection, IKSV 35th Istanbul Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

            Official Selection, Athens Animation Festival, Athens, Greece

            Official Selection, Stockholm Experimental & Animation Film Festival, Sweden

            Kino Roulette, Filmfest Dresden International Short Film Festival, Germany

            4th Canlandıranlar Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

            Official Selection, Anifilm International Festival of Animated Films, Czech Republic

            Official Selection, 19th Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival, Turkey

            Official Selection, Eskişehir International Film Festival, Turkey

            Official Selection, Golden Kuker-Sofia International Animation Festival, Bulgaria
            Official Selection, Kayseri Altin Cinar Film Festival, Turkey

            Cannes Short Film Corner, France

            Official Selection, 10th River Film Festival, Padua, Italy

            Official Selection, 36th Ifsak Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

            Panorama, Melbourne International Animation Festival, Melbourne, Australia

            Official Selection, Anibar Animation Festival, Peja, Kosovo

            Official Selection, Shorts Mexico Film Festival, 2016, Mexico City, Mexico

            Official Selection, Helsinki International Film Festival, Helsinki, Finland

            KROK International Animated Film Festival, 2016, Russia

            59th DOK Leipzig, Country Focus Turkey, Leipzig, Germany

            Cartoons Underground, 2016, Singapore

            Official Selection, Feelfest, Madrid, Spain

            Official Selection, CutOutFest, Querétaro, Mexico

            Cycle, Bronx World Film, New York, USA

            Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial, SInop, Turkey

2014    Teatr Rysowania, Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, PL

2013    Drawing Theatre, FASSART Gallery, Istanbul, TR

2012    162m2 8PERSONA, FASSART Gallery, Istanbul, TR

2011    In-Between Slashes: Formless/Normless/Homeless, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul, TR

2010    Photokina, The Business Forum Imaging, Cologne, DE

2009    Flow, Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul, TR



2019     Scorched Earth, Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

2017     Poolside Animation, Istanbul Comics & Art Festival, Istanbul, TR


2021    NYFA City Artist Corps Grant

            SAHA Association - TAAS Fellowship
2019    Cornell Council for the Arts Grant

2016    Audience Award, Stockholm Experimental & Animation Film Festival, Sweden

            2nd place - Animation, Kayseri Altın Çınar Film Festival, Turkey

            Winner - Animation, 34th Ifsak Film Festival, Turkey

            Winner - Animation, FeelFest, Spain


2022 - 2023    Sarah Lawrance College; Visiting Faculty

                        The Camera and The Catastrophe, Fall 2022

                        Artists and Spaces, Spring 2023

                        Photographic Fairytales, Spring 2023

2021 - 2022    Izmir Ekonomi University; Part-time Instructor

                        Visual Culture, Fall 2021

                        Digital Photography, Fall 2021

2018 - 2020    Cornell University; Graduate Assistant

                        Introduction to Digital Media, Spring 2020

                        Introduction to Sculpture, Fall 2019

                        Introduction to Photography, Spring 2019

                        Introduction to Photography, Fall 2018

2017 - 2018    Bilgi University; Part-time Lecturer

                        Food: Culture, Cultivation, Design, Spring 2018

                        Food: Culture, Cultivation, Design, Fall 2017

2017                Bilgi University; Visiting Lecturer

                        Studio Sustain, Fall 2017

                        Studio Kitchen Table Issues, Summer 2017


2016    Assistant to artists Ekmel Ertan and Seçil Yaylalı

“61 Meters of Kahya Bey Street” Community Project, commissioned by HKW Berlin in the

frame of Wohnungsfrage Conference.

2012    Presenter at Hedonist International Congress, Berlin, Germany

“ What Happened at the Istanbul Biennial? - Guerrilla Art in Turkey “ Interactive Presentation.